Friday, May 27, 2011

Jose Canseco Wants To Marry Lady Gaga!

josec Jose Canseco Wants To Marry Lady Gaga!

Former baseball star Jose Canseco is a huge fan of Lady Gaga, even writing on Twitter that he wants to marry the singer!

Lady Gaga is single and it looks like Jose Canseco is making his move.

Canseco, 46, tweeted praising Gaga and telling his followers, ?I wish I could meet her. I would marry her in a second.?

jose1 Jose Canseco Wants To Marry Lady Gaga!

jose2 Jose Canseco Wants To Marry Lady Gaga!

jose3 Jose Canseco Wants To Marry Lady Gaga!

Do you think Lady Gaga will take him up on it?

Click thumbnails for larger pictures




Victoria Pratt Hayden Panettiere Leslie Bega Samaire Armstrong Tila Tequila

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