Friday, March 25, 2011

'American Idol': A truly surprising results show

Mar 24, 2011

Stevie Wonder.

Hulk Hogan.

Best American Idol results show ever?

Well, maybe not if you're a Casey Abrams fan. Or maybe especially if you're a Casey Abrams fan. After the audience cast 30 million votes, the former front-runner found himself singing for his life tonight, after fellow Bottom Three members Stefano Langone and Thia Megia were sent back to safety. But Randy waved Casey off after just a couple of lines, forcing him to stop.

Casey later said that he was sure the judges wouldn't use the save, since saving the 11th contestant would mean cutting to nine next week, which would really screw up the tour plans.

Except -- and here was the night's biggest surprise -- they went ahead and screwed up the tour plans tonight, saving Casey and expanding the summer's American Idols Live tour from its usual 10 singers to 11.

This season just keeps getting wilder and wilder.

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