Friday, June 24, 2011

An Imagined Conversation With This Model

Model: Hey, can you help me for a second?

Me: Sure.

Model: What does it look like I?m doing?

Me: Ummm ... stretching your quadricep?

Model: No! I?m practicing for my improv class. So what do you think I am?

Me: A flamingo?

Model: No!

Me: Someone who just got punched in the arm?

Model: No! No! More creative!

Me: Kate Moss in a Calvin Klein ad circa 1992?

Model: Wrong! Try again.

Me: Ummmm ... are you lifting a bale of hay?

Model: What? No. Why do you say that?

Me: I don?t know, with your arm hanging so low and your leg up I can kind of see it.

Model: Do people even lift hay anymore? Don?t they have machines for that?

Me: Oh, yeah, I guess they do.

Model: I?m sitting on an invisible stool!

Me: Oh now I totally see it!

Model: No offense, but I?m really glad you?re not my improv partner.


Ana Hickmann Carla Gugino Bonnie Jill Laflin Veronika Vaeková Virginie Ledoyen

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