So. Mean.
Just as Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) started working out their differences as a couple and begun planning a life together, Grey's Anatomy goes and literally throws Callie through a windshield. What the hell, show?
We're terrified that next week's supersad musical episode is going to be curtains for Callie's baby, or even Callie herself. Are they doomed? Here's what the cast told us exclusively about who's singing and what they're so darn sad about:
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Kevin McKidd (love! him!) tells us, "Owen is given the job, during the musical event, he steps up to being the point person on saving Callie's life, essentially. Basically, there are so many different traumatic injuries that someone has to organize all these surgeons."
So wait, like triage or?? "It's more of the fact that so many surgeries need to be done," says McKidd. "And Owen's kind of in charge of that?brokering all these surgeons?what Owen's challenge is, is that there's so much that needs to be done, and all of it is priority number one. Each injury should be done first. They are in this impossible situation. It just becomes really hard to finesse this and pull it off. He just has to step up to it and do it."
So what about the actual singing part of the show? Tony winner Ramirez takes the lead, obviously, but who else gets in tune?
Capshaw, who plays Callie's partner, pediatrician Arizona Robbins, also participates in the musical festivities. She tells us, "I sing a duet with her, and I sing bits and pieces of other songs."
Chyler Leigh also participates in the musical event, but the actor who plays her love interest, Jackson Avery, stays mum. Jesse Williams tells us, "I am not a singer. I'm a horrible horrible singer. And I accept that, there's other things I'm good at." (Like being pretty, for one thing.)
We'll also hear quite a bit from�Sarah Drew's April Kepner during the musical episode. She tells us, "I had so much fun. I grew up doing musical theater; I have a classically trained high soprano voice, so when we found out at the table read, when Shonda asked us all, 'Does anybody sing? I'm thinking about a musical,' I shrieked. I got really excited."
Drew says, "Everything I sing in this episode, I sing with Chyler. Double awesome, right? I sing on this song called 'Grace' with her and with Sara. And I sing on a song with�Chandra Wilson�called 'Wait'?and Chyler also has a tie in to another scene during that song, so she sings on that too. Mostly I did a bunch of harmonies. I had fun in the recording studio finding the harmonies."
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Now, for those skeptics amongst us who were wondering if a�Grey's Anatomy�musical episode was really a good idea, Drew has some consoling words about the quality of the episode and the emotional dividends paid by the combination of trauma and melody. She says, "I think you're going to cry a lot; there are multiple moments to cry. I think what the musical really adds is a level of gravity and gravitas. It's also a love letter to our fans, I think. The songs that we are singing are all iconic�Grey's Anatomy�songs from seasons one and two. I think people will love hearing our reinventions of these songs, and they are all interwoven into the stories, so the lyrics really make sense with what's happening in the story."
And in case we haven't said�Tony winner�Sara Ramirez enough times to emphasize that the girl can sing, Drew reiterates that we are going to be in the hands of a master next week. She says, "Sara just kills it, it's insane. And there are a lot of really amazing voices out there?like Chyler Leigh has never sung before in public, and she has this amazing song that she does. And Kevin McKidd is fantastic and so is Chandra."
Are you excited for the "musical event" or just dreading the melodrama? Do you think we're going to lose Callie, her baby or maybe both?
Share your thoughts in the comments, and then be sure to check back next week for more on the musical event from Jessica Capshaw and Sara Ramirez about what this means for them and their kiddo.
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